What outcomes do people want?
Implementing and building momentum around a business idea
Building momentum behind a side business
Consistently Delivering in Work:
Prevent burn-out and managing work-life balance
Career acceleration and promotion objectives
Specific career goal - e.g. negotiating a salary raise
Coping with stressful work environments or redundancy
Finding clarity and purpose:
Manage career change
Figuring out your career path and purpose
Student career coaching
Re-entering the job market (after period of absence)
Becoming a leader and showing-up confidently
Personal branding – building a narrative around a varied career
Creating confidence from feedback
Managing imposter syndrome and self-doubt in the work-place
Perform well at job interviews
Being able to hold engaging conversation
Feel confident building friends and widening social network
Dating in an enjoyable and energising way
Sharing annecdotes
Knowing how to conduct an elevator pitch
Communicating and managing in UK office culture
Charisma and Presence
Being able to present effectively
No second guessing in meetings
Setting boundaries
Feeling comfortable saying no (as well as yes)
Being more authentic
Public Speaking
Holding conversation where others listen